January 14, 2009

Memories of Iona, and Cold Feet.

There's two things I want to talk about today, but I'll probably only be able to do one with how busy I am with school. So here it goes.

I want to avoid talking about sad or depressing topics in this blog, but I feel I should mention one sad (but happy at the same time) thing.

Last week, my great grandma died. I know that most people never know their great grandparents, but I was very fortunate that I got to. The other significant thing about this was that this was the very first funeral I went to that I can remember. The last funeral I went to was when I was like three or something, so it's a first memory for me.

The services were beautiful, it was everything that this great lady deserved.

The reason I mention it on here is there's something I want to get off my chest. She lived in Nephi which is only about 30 miles away from Ephraim, and my grandma (great grandma's daughter) had told me that my great grandma wanted me to come visit her sometimes on weekends. I never did, and it's haunted me ever since she passed away. I have this heavy feeling that lingers on me when I think about it, because I know that I let her down by not going to visit her. My only comfort comes from knowing that she's in a better place and she's happy with her long departed husband. I hope that she forgives me for my negligence and I hope that one day I'll be able to tell her how sorry I am for never taking the time to visit her.
I'm sorry granny, please forgive me. I love you very much.

On a lighter subject, I want to talk about my furnace.

My apartment has a bum furnace. It is very bipolar. It doesn't work until you fiddle with the controls just right, then it stays on until you fiddle with the controls again until it turns off. It's very frustrating. And I'm tired of my feet constantly being cold! The only time i ever feel heat in my feet is when i shower, and that's a very long time to feel total comfort.

Luckily, I have slippers that help with the bitter chill, but only to a very small degree do they make me feel better. All in all what I'm trying to say is that I'm tired of being always freezing or burning.

Burt (our on-site repair man) has been to our apartment every day for the last week and even put a new thermostat in, but it still doesn't seem to be working. I'm not complaining or anything, heck I prefer being cold over being hot, but it still is rather annoying coming in from the bitter cold to not find any significant temperature difference.

That's all for now I suppose, now it's off to classes.


  1. That's a really nice tribute. Don't beat yourself up; she understands. How about the heater we brought down? Oh, I didn't comment on the last post about how happy I am that you are making an effort to be more social; it will only make you happier!

  2. I am so glad that I get to read your blog to keep updated on your life. I also have one. I am sure that I won't update it as often as you, but you should still read it. Lucas misses you!
