January 13, 2009

The Beginning

Well, here I am..

I'm not poetic and I'm not very funny, I definitely can't associate songs to my mood, but being able to capture memories of my day is an idea that's caught my interest.

Being a sophomore in college and living away from home, you learn how to be independent. Not saying that I'm totally fine without my parent's guiding light, but I do feel that this is the best experience I've ever had.

At the beginning of last semester, I hated this podunk little town called Ephraim, Utah. It's pretty much the closest you can get to a city in a rural area. (They have a Wal-Mart, so i would say that it's considered a city.) There's enough to do to keep you occupied for a while, but being a cooped up, anti-social person like me, I hated it. I hated how friendly everyone was, and I hated being around people who were always so... Positive. But over the Christmas holiday, the weirdest feeling came over me. I started missing that little town.

And now that I'm back, I have a renewed outlook on life. I'm eating healthier, working out and running (even in these sub-zero temperatures, yes mom it's true,) and being more open-minded to ideas put forth by my roommates. Instead of being locked up in my room all day after classes, I'm out in the living room socializing with the roughly 30 visitors that poke their head in the door every day. I'm starting to be more social, and so far it has really been a positive experience.

So now I guess is the time where I'm supposed to say a little bit about myself. Well, as I said, I'm a sophomore at Snow College. I live in an apartment with 5 awesome guys, Sean, Jason, Chad, Rylar, and John. I consider myself really lucky to have such cool and chill roommates. I'm working to pay for school, and my job is not the best. I call people all day and ask them to rate their service experience at car dealerships. It's a drag, but it pays the bill. I'm only taking 14 credit hours this semester so I'll have time for work, and so far it's working out fine. I hope that the workload doesn't become any greater though. Most of my alone time comes at night when I can't sleep because of those 30 people I told you about, but I've learned to remedy that with 33 decibel reducing earplugs. They really work wonders. I feel deaf when I have them in. Seriously, I've slept through my alarm because of them before. But anyway...

There is someone I speak very highly of and have a HUGE respect and a GINORMOUS love for in my life, and her name is Sarah. I love her to death, literally. We've had our rough patches (What couple hasn't?) but we've worked through them and they've only brought us closer together. I'm very fortunate to be able to see her everyday because she's down here at college with me. This "home away from home" experience has really made our relationship grow by leaps and bounds, and I've never been happier.

Besides anything that you'd expect a regular college student to do, I'm pretty boring.
Eat, Classes, Eat, Work, Eat, Work Out, Sleep is my daily schedule.

But that's the main reason I've created this blog. I want to capture every out of the ordinary, lame, funny, stupid, hurtful, painful, sad, happy, weird memory that happens while I'm here at my "home away from home."

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, It's nice to hear that you are actually enjoying this semester, you need to figure out a good weekend for me to come down, I kinda miss that "podunk" town too
